
No, I'm not Indian ;-)

Alter 50 Von Austin, Texas Online Über 2 Wochen her

Mann Suche eine/n Frau

Basis Information Erzähl uns ein wenig von dir.
  • Ich kann sprechen Englisch
  • Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als Yea, this is crazy long write-up..

    I like people of various interests since there is so much to learn from others. I moved to Austin from the Washington D.C. area and am loving it.

    I'd would like to meet more people with some shared interests or philosophy since most of my friends are "back home" in Virginia. If it goes beyond friendship, I am looking for someone like me to some extent but also someone to complement my strengths and weaknesses since I think this works well both ways. Having a travelling companion from road-trips to international trips would be good too.

    I am animal-friendly, vegetarian (by choice, not religion or inherited culture), like history, anthropology (the old stuff), philosophy, capitalism, democracy, documentaries, more documentaries, conservation, being healthy, roadside attractions, historical markers, travel, some sports, not so much politics or current-affairs since I think that is a lot of "noise". I'm quite content that most people don't share my interests, these are mine. E.g. it does not bother me if you eat meat.

    My thing is feeling like I've made the world and myself slightly better every day. As part of that through a few different channels, I work on improving the welfare of animals, and actually that is why I became a veggie originally. I feel that cats and dogs, and other animals, in our lives offer an opportunity to make us better people.

    Most of my spare time over the last year has been involved in starting a community garden in my neighborhood, which I have taken on as challenge in community building and improving my transitional neighborhood. Based on the amount of time I put into this in 2018, it seemingly turned into a part-time job. I find it pretty cool what all people know about growing things that I do not (I pretty much know nothing about growing things).

    I like football and baseball but don't like spending too much time watching since I'd rather be productive or active for the 3-4 hours that they last. Last year's Super Bowl (Eagles vs Patriots) was an awesome game and once in a while it is nice to go out a baseball or football game (my profile photo is from the Round Rock Express park). I do like to watch UFC (MMA) as my vice in vegetating. What those people are able to get themselves to do is amazing!

    I try to exercise a few times a week, (hiking, swimming, weights, jogging, walking) ideally some of it is outdoors.

    Music? Grew up on Classic Rock and still like that but also folks like Shania Twain (I will neither confirm nor deny whether I sing along), Bob Marley, Mary J., Sade (oooh), and enjoy listening to smooth jazz or Led Zeppelin while working (don't worry it's at a computer, few bits get hurt during this process).

    I do like movies in limited quantities since I find only a small subset of movies interesting. My favs include Office Space, Their Eyes Were Watching God, I Dreamed of Africa, Dr Zhivago, The Godfather series, The Matrix series, Rushmore, The King's Speech..

    I like drinking coffee in the morning. And chocolate. And something with Jalapenos. And Thai food. But otherwise I'm not much of a foodie. I have a balanced diet: mostly really healthy food and some crap.

    Lastly, I am an atheist, vegetarian and lean libertarian, so I have a vested interest in people being able to get along with "the other side". For example, even though I am an atheist, I have a lot of respect for my Catholic parents and [Christian] western culture and see little reason to denigrate. Most days I take my lunch and converse with someone (in particular) who has quite different political views than me. We sometimes argue, sometimes heatedly but most of the time it is a good exercise is getting along with people who don't share your opinion on everything.

    Last and not least, good luck on your search
  • Anmelden Wassermann
Erscheinung & Situation Wie sieht deine aktuelle Situation aus? Beschreibe deine Erscheinung.
  • Mein Körpertyp ist Durchschnittlich
  • Meine Größe ist 5' 5 (1.65 m)
  • Meine Augen sind Braun
  • Meine Herkunft ist Andere
  • Mein Familienstand ist Geschieden
  • Ich habe Kinder Nein
  • Ich möchte Kinder Nein
  • Mein Haar ist Schwarz
  • Bereit umzuziehen Nein
Mehr über ihm
  • Was ist dein Lieblingsessen? Thai
  • Warum bist du Vegetarier geworden? Interesse für Tierschutz
  • Wie wichtig ist es dir, dass dein Partner auch Vegetarier ist? Ein wenig
  • Wie lange bist du schon Vegetarier? 10+ Jahre
Status Was machst du?
  • Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist Universitäts-Abschluss
  • Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist Vollzeit
  • Mein Job-Titel ist Manager
  • Ich verdiene im Jahr so viel Mehr als $150,000USD
  • Ich lebe Alleine, Mit Haustier(en)
  • Zuhause Alles ist ruhig
  • Ich bin Raucher Nein
  • Ich trinke Ja - Sozial
Persönlichkeit Wie gibst du dich? Was ist dein Geschmack?
  • Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind Trainieren, Lesen, Sport, Lernen, Filme, Reisen, Ehrenamtliche Arbeit
  • Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist Mit Freunden ausgehen, Daheim bleiben, Versuche neue Dinge, Entspannen, In ein Museum gehen
  • Ein ideales erstes Date wäre A pleasant conversation maybe with food, drink, pool or something or some other low-key activity
  • Ich wollte immer schon versuchen Skydiving, Open-Water swimming, visiting Greece and other historical sites
Ansichten Ansichten übers Leben.
  • Meine Religion ist Nicht Religiös
  • Ich besuche Gottesdienste Nie
  • Mein Ziel im Leben ist Give a lot of money to charity, in affective way of course
  • Mein Art Humor ist Überspitzt homosexuell/Tuntig, Freundlich
Geschmack Was magst du?
  • Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an Dokumentationen, Ich habe keinen Fernseher
  • Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer Comedy, Romanze, Drama
  • Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer Historisch, Auto-Biografie, Biografie, Geschäft, Gesundheit, Geschichte, Philosophie, Bezug
  • Meine Vorstellung von Spaß ist Contributing to society and helping other people achieve their goals. Being one with nature (have not figured this out though)
Suche nach Wonach suchst du, wenn du an deinen Seelenverwandten denkst?
  • Was findest du attraktiv? Esprit, Seltsamkeiten, Sensibilität, Humor, Gutes Aussehen, Nachdenklich, Intelligenz
  • Wonach suchst du? I prefer Compassion and Action (doing something vs only talking about it)
  • Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du? Freund, Date, Vertrauter, Verpflichtendes, Andere

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